Thorpe Bay - Maplin Way

Thorpe Bay - Maplin Way

We were asked to design and build a wet area for Milan, a disabled young man. We included therapeutic lighting and underfloor heating so that when he showered the tiled floor was comfortable for him to lay on, and he really enjoyed the wirelss remote control button which switched the shower on and off! Sadly Milan passed away in 2010 and is missed dearly by all who had the privilege of knowing him.

Dear dean, Hope this finds you well. Kesh and I and Risha would like to say thank you for your help and advice and installation of Milan’s wet room. Dean without the thoughtfulness of you and your team, Milan’s wet room could not have been this nice. We have been very impressed, the time you’ve spent with us ensuring you understood our requirements, your openness and to the point of even finding out more about Milan and spending time with him. As you know he has life limitation, complex medical problems and severe learning difficulties, and you made the point of spending some time with him, keeping this in mind at every stage of the project, for Milan as well as understanding time to be of the essence for the project-thank you. The horror and disappointing stories you people often hear about builders – rip offs, sub standrard work, however you and your team have proved to be great people to have in our home. Your experience and professional integrity, we value and honour. We could not have met or picked out a better team of people to do Milan’s wet room. You guys did it all with your heart in it – and this, cannot be found in any other in your line of work! Its been apleasure meeting you. Now we would not have anyone else to do any project in our home other than you. A big thank you to everyone. And you shouldn’t have got us the wine for us, isn’t it meant to be the other way round?..Thank you Love and best wishes Trusha and Kesh Parmar
Mr & Mrs Parmar